Creo Parametric
Creo Parametric
About Course
Creo Parametric – A Complete Beginner to Advanced Course. Syllabus include: Sketch, Part, Assembly, Drawing, Sheetmetal and Surface. This course is made on creo parametric 7.0. this course designed in such a way that you will learn about all important tools and commands of the software.
This is a streamlined course to take you from knowing nothing about creo to give you all the knowledge and skills needed to become a certified creo designer. Suitable models are provided to download for practice purpose.
What I will learn?
- Sketch, 3D Modeling, Assembly
- Drafting, Sheetmetal, Surface Model
- GD & T
- Layouts
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Concept of Engineering Drawing, Introduction to Creo Parametric
Concept Of Engineering Drawing
08:23 -
Introduction To Creo Parametric
Chapter 2: Introduction To Sketcher, Draw Tools
Working Directory, Basic Interface, Line, Rectangle, Circle
06:57 -
Arc, Ellipse, Spline
04:45 -
Fillet, Chamfer
Chapter 3: Text, Modify Tools, Datum
Text, Construction Mode
04:18 -
Offset, Thicken, Pallet
07:37 -
Center Line, Point, Co-ordinate System
02:06 -
Mirror, Divide, Delete Segment, Corner, Rotate and Resize
Chapter 4: Geometrical Constraints, Dimensional Constraints
Geometrical Constraints
04:02 -
Dimensions, Perimeter, Base Line, Reference, Modify
Chapter 5: Additional Options
Copy, Cut, Paste, Zoom, Refit, Grid, Lock
04:15 -
Chapter 6: Introduction To Part, Template, Extrude, Revolve
Template, Units, Extrude (Add Material), Extrude (Remove Material)
19:02 -
Revolve (Adding Material, Removing Material)
Chapter 7: Different Sweep Operations, Various Blends
Sweep (Adding Material, Removing Material)
07:21 -
Helical Sweep (Adding Material, Removing Material)
07:04 -
Blend (Adding Material, Removing Material)
09:22 -
Rotational Blend (Adding Material, removing Material)
08:52 -
Swept Blend (Adding Material, Removing Material)
Chapter 8: Hole, Corner, Chamfer, Draft
Hole, Tapping
07:44 -
Corner (Fillet)
09:34 -
03:39 -
Draft, Variable Pull Direction
Chapter 9: Advance Blend, Cosmetic Thread
Toroidal Bend, Spinal Bend, Cosmetic Thread, Mirror
Chapter 10: Shell, Rib Operations
Shell, Profile Rib, Trajectory Rib
Chapter 11: Different Pattern Methods, Datum Elements
Different Pattern Methods
Chapter 12: Part Model Practice Examples
Part Model Example 1
05:48 -
Part Model Example 2
Chapter 13: More Practice Examples
Part Model Example 3
06:43 -
Part Model Example 4
06:32 -
Part Model Example 5
Chapter 14: Introduction To Assembly, Constraints
Basic Interface, Dragger, Default Constraint, Automatic Constraint,
13:32 -
Centered Constraint, Tangent Constraints, Fix Constraints, Mirror
04:34 -
Assembly Work Models
Chapter 15: Pattern, Section, Exploded View, Appearance, Bill of Material
Drag Component, Pattern, Exploded View, Edit Position
07:58 -
Section, Appearance, Bill of Material
Chapter 16: Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD & T), Annotations, Dimensions
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD & T)
11:31 -
Basics of Annotate (Dimension, Datum, Geometric Tolerance, Note)
Chapter 17: Assembly Practice Examples
Creo Assembly Practice 1
06:21 -
Creo Assembly Practice 2
10:58 -
Models For Assembly Practice
Chapter 18: Introduction To Drawing (Detailing), Detailed Views
Basic Interface, Drawing Models, General View, Lock View Movement, Projection View,
09:14 -
Revolved View, Copy and Align View, Drawing View Information
05:58 -
Models for Drafting
Chapter 19: Sheet Setup, Table
New Sheet, Sheet Setup, Move or Copy Sheet, Move View, Erase View
04:57 -
Table, Insert Table, Add Column, Add Row, Merge Cell, Properties of Table
Chapter 20: Draw Sketch, Edit Sketch, Trim Operations
Sketch, Absolute Method, Relative Method, Edit, Trims
Chapter 21: Detail Dimensioning
Detail Dimensions
Chapter 22: Annotations, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerance, Symbols
Show Model Annotation (Dimension, Tolerance, Note, Surface Finish Symbol, Datum, Symbol
05:51 -
Note, Text Style, Line Style, Surface Finish
Chapter 23: Exploded View, Bill of Materials, Title Block Template
Exploded View, Bill of Materials, Balloons
05:42 -
Title Block
Chapter 24: Detailing of 3D Model
Detailing of 3D Model
Chapter 25: Introduction of Sheetmetal, Primary Walls, Cuts, Revolve, Blends
Basic Interface, Planar, Extrude, Flange, Flat, Extruded Cut
17:20 -
Revolve, Twist, Sweep, Bend, Swept Blend
Chapter 26: Solid to Sheetmetal, Rip Operations
Convert Solid Into Sheetmetal, Surface Rip, Edge Rip, Sketch Rip,
Chapter 27: Bends, Flat Pattern, Sheetmetal Editing Operations
Bend, Edge Bend, Planar Bend, Unbend, Bend Back, Flat Pattern
10:14 -
Offset, Extend, Join, Split Area, Merge Wall
Chapter 28: Sheetmetal Practice Examples
Sheet Metal Practice Model 1
07:21 -
Sheetmetal Practice Model 2
Chapter 29: Introduction to Surface, Surface Operations, Sweeps, Blends
Extrude surface, Revolve Surface
05:39 -
Helical sweep, Sweep, Blend
05:15 -
Swept Blend, Rotational Blend
Chapter 30: Surface Editing Operations, free Style
Round, Chamfer, Draft, Pattern, Mirror
07:16 -
Trim, Merge, Offset, Extend, Intersect
Chapter 31: Surface Editing Operations (Extended Part)
Boundary blend, Fill, Vertex round, Fill, Free Style
04:02 -
Project, Thicken, Solidify, Remove Wrap
Chapter 32: Surface Design Practice Example
Surface Practice Example 1
07:40 -
Surface Practice Example 2
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